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Version: 24.3.0


What are RealityAssets

RealityAssets are the building blocks within our solution that holds the intelligence between the visual layer (ie mesh) and the underlying parameterization of the assets. On the visual front, users can spatially define assets of various shapes and sizes within the scan using our toolbox (Multi-boxes with turntable, Magic Wand ). With user-defined parameterizations, our customer can add any information needed to enrich the RealityAssets - from technical specifications, inspection information, user manuals or links to other systems

Multi-boxes creation

You can define an asset using the multi-boxes tool. From the toolbar, use the Create RealityAsset.

You can add multiple boxes to define your asset. This allows for the selection of objects of any shape without limitation. The boxes can be moved and resized using handles.

The preview window allows you to see the content of your box from multiple points of view. Various points of view are supported, including Top, Front, Right, Isometric, and Orbit, providing comprehensive visualization options.


Quick tip: Use the turntable to rotate around your asset by left-clicking, this will greatly improve the definition process.

Asset magic wand (beta)

You can define an asset using the Magic wand tool. From the toolbar, use the Asset Magic Wand.

How does it work?

  • Position yourself to face the object you want to select
  • Stand-still until the selection status turn green
  • A blue mask will appear under your mouse to see what can be selected
  • Press on the desired mask
  • Repeat until you have selected all the desired parts of your asset
  • Press Next Step

Following your selection, multiple boxes will be created automatically to encompass the selected area. The next step will bring you back to the multi-boxes workflow to fine-tune the boxes if needed.


Quick tip: For better results, change point of view after each mask selection

  • 1: The reset button will clear the current selection. It’s restarting the tool.
  • 2: The align option will force the boxes to be aligned with your floor. We recommend enabling this option in most cases.
  • 3: You may change the selection preview
  • 4: This reflects the status of the selection tool. If the circle is red, you need to stop moving and wait for a few seconds. Once the circle turns green, you can start selecting your object.
  • 5: Selection mask preview. If you click on the blue mask, a green circle will appear at the selection point.
  • 6: Turntable to rotate around your selection.

Enrich your RealityAsset with properties

Within the information panel of RealityAssets, you'll find an additional tab labeled Properties. This tab allows you to append and modify properties on your assets, enhancing your ability to effectively manage your space.

Advanced features

Similar to the Clipping box , you have access to some advanced features like the Cut and Export with your RealityAssets. Once a RealityAsset has been defined you may right click on it to open the contextual menu. You can either:

  • Cut the RealityAsset
  • Export the RealityAsset
  • Edit its boxes, allowing you to refine the boxes if a part is missing or extra.