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Project editor

The project editor allows you to visualize and adjust which data is going to be processed and billed by Prevu3D.

Accessing the project editor

Once you have uploaded all of your project data and ready to launch you build, you may access the project editor within the project's data section and select "Review build".


Editing your project

In the project editor, you will be able crop out parts of your point cloud by moving the blue handles around.


The surface used to calculate the charged area is represented as blue dots.

Using handles

You can easily add and remove cropping points to add greater accuracy to your crop. Just click on the + to add a point. Then drag the points to adjust the crop.

Viewing modes

To adjust the minimum and maximum height of the point cloud, you should change the viewing mode from top to any of the side views.

Launching the build

Once you have finished cropping you project, an approximate surface calculation of your space is done. You may then launch you build.


Billing is done based on the calculated surface. If for some reason you think the calculated surface is not accurate, don't hesitate to reach out to us !