The shape tool allows you to draw 2D and 3D shapes in your space. It can be useful to validate a fit plan or fill up a blank space.
Drawing a basic shape
RealityPlan offers multiple shapes such as cube or sphere. To place a shape:
Open the 3D library in from toolbar
Select the shape you want to place then drag the shape to form the base. If your shape is in 3D, release the mouse after drag to extrude the height of the shape.
You may adjust the size and position of the shape with the handles surrounding it. You can also show additional handles by pressing
on your keyboard.
If you want to accurately resize the placed shape, you should use the property panel of the shape.
Placing a plane is a little different since it is 2D:
Select plane from the shape library
Form the plane surface by
to place its pointsYou must close the loop by placing a point at the same position as the first point or press
The plane shape may be used to do a manual hole filling after using the cut tool.
Coloring and texturing
You can easily texture and color the faces of the shapes using the shape property panel:
Click on the texture box to apply a texture to the shape. The textures also support video playback
Supported file extensions: png, jpg, jpeg, and mp4.
Click on the button alongside the texture box to repeat or extend the texture on the shape
Click on the color box to change the color of the shape, you can then choose a custom color or pick one directly from the environment
Set simple PBR materials (e.g. glass, mirror, steel) by using the presets
Set advanced PBR properties by playing with the transparency, smoothness, and metallic sliders
You may also import external textures from your disk using the import button in the shape texture library
Advanced Positioning: Change pivot point
This tool enables you to temporarily change the pivot of an object, placing it anywhere on the scene, this allows for more precise movement, specially for large assets.
To use this feature:
Select the object
Select change pivot option from the contextual menu using the mouse
. You can then move your mouse to the desired pivot position andclick
on it to set it as the pivot point
Similarly to 3D models, the 3D shapes can be exported.