Roles & Permissions

Our role management system provides flexible, precise control over user permissions with default and special roles, allowing for granular access and stacked permissions to meet specific organizational needs.

Role Management

Our system offers a highly flexible role management system, ensuring precise control over user permissions for every piece of content. When users are invited to a Division, Site, or File, they are assigned a specific role that defines their level of access and capabilities. This flexibility allows for nuanced user management, where someone can have different roles on different pieces of content.

For instance, a member of the engineering team might have an Editor role in the North American division but only a Viewer role in the Europe Division.

Default Roles

By default, Prevu3D offers three distinct roles (Project Manager, Editor, Viewer). The chart below provides more details on the permissions. It’s also accessible from the User Management -> Permissions tab.

Hierarchical and Stacking Roles

One of the key features of our role management system is the ability for roles to stack. This means that if a user is granted multiple roles on the same piece of content, their permissions will be combined. For example, if a user has a role on a folder that allows them to edit files but not delete them, and they are subsequently assigned a role on a specific file within that folder that allows deletion, they will gain the ability to both edit and delete that file. This concatenation of permissions ensures comprehensive and flexible access control.

Special Roles

In addition to the default roles, there are two organization-wide roles that have overarching authority:

  1. Super Admin:

  • Scope: Organization-wide.

  • Permissions: Full access to all content and settings across the entire organization.

  • Use Case: Typically assigned to top-level administrators responsible for managing the entire system.

  1. Division Admin:

  • Scope: Specific to a Division.

  • Permissions: Full access to all content and settings within their assigned Division.

  • Use Case: Ideal for administrators who manage a particular Division, ensuring they have control over all Sites and Files within that Division.

These special roles are not attached to specific pieces of content but rather provide a high level of access, ensuring efficient and effective management at the organizational level.

Only the super admin & division admin may access the Users, Groups, Permissions, SSO, Usage Summary and Invoice tab.

Our role management system is designed to provide maximum flexibility and control over user permissions. By assigning roles on a granular level and allowing permissions to stack, users can have tailored access that suits their specific needs and responsibilities. With default roles for everyday use and special roles for overarching control, our system ensures that the right people have the right access to the right content at all times.