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Version: 3.5.1

Application settings

The settings of the application can be accessed through Edit > Settings.

Application settings

The settings allow you to personalize the application. Here's a description of the available settings :

Setting nameDescription
LanguageLanguage of the whole application
Length unitThe unit shown in the application (metrics or imperial)
GenderThe gender of the third person avatar
Walking heightThe height of the First person navigation mode viewpoint (eye's height)
Free View speedThe displacement speed of the free view navigation
First Person speedThe displacement speed of the first person navigation
World-space handlesShould the handles on 3D models and shapes be local (relative to the object) or global.
Quick settings at startupWhether or not to show the quick settings window on startup
Send debug informationAllows to send debug information to Prevu3D. These include PC configuration.

Video settings

The video settings are accessible through the video tab of the settings.

Setting nameDescription
Fullscreen resolutionThe resolution of the application when in full-screen
VRAllows you to activate VR if your license allows it
SkyboxThe sky type outside of the environment
Top view clippingThe default clipping height in % of total height when landing in top view at application startup
Environment brightnessThe brightness of the environment (from 0.2 to 3 - default is 1)
QualityThe visual quality of the environment. If your PC only meets the minimal requirements, choose Low
VSyncSynchronize the frame rate of the application and the refresh rate of your monitor.
Record - ResolutionThe resolution of the video recorded with the screen recording tool. It cannot exceed the screen resolution.
Record - QualityThe bitrate of the video recorded with the screen recording tool. It cannot exceed the screen resolution.
Screenshot - ResolutionThe resolution multiplier (x the screen resolution) for the screenshots.

Effects settings

The effects settings are accessible through the effects tab of the settings.

Ambient Occlusion settings

Setting nameDescription
IntensityAdjust the dark areas strength
RadiusSet the radius that define the dark areas size.

Bloom settings

Setting nameDescription
IntensityAdjust the bloom filter strength
ThresholdSet the brightness level. Pixels under this level will be not displayed.

Color grading

Setting nameDescription
Post-exposureAdjust the overall exposure in EV units
TypeType to adjust with the RGB values below

Depth Of Field

Setting nameDescription
Focus distanceAdjust the distance the camera will do the focus
ApertureAdjust the camera aperture. Use to increase (bigger value) or decrease (smaller value) the depth of field
Focal lengthIt's the distance between the lens and the camera captor. Use to zoom in or out, or decrease (bigger value) or increase (smaller value) the depth of field


Setting nameDescription
EnableSets a vignette effect on the screen

A "Restore default" button can be found in the bottom left corner of the application settings window to reset the settings to default.